Naoto Fukasawa Design

Save the Achille Castiglioni Studio

July 30th, 2024
“As you climb up the long and steep path step by step, you are so out of breath from the sheer steepness of the climb that it’s like you just keep looking at the ground under your feet and have no time to look around at the scenery around you. Suddenly, someone’s legs appear in your narrow field of view, and I follow them and look up to see a hermit standing there, not breaking a sweat. It is Achille Castiglioni.”
( book review by Naoto Fukasawa “Achille Castiglioni Design as Free Inquiry” Yosuke Taki Axis published in Dec. 2007 )

Achille Castiglioni (1918-2002) was an Italian designer and architect representing the 20th century. His former studio in Piazza Castello in Milan was taken over by his daughter Giovanna and son Carlo and has been open to the public since January 2006.The Achille Castiglioni Foundation was established in December 2011. Exhibitions and studio tours attract everyone from children to professionals, making it a meaningful place to enter the world of Achille Castiglioni and experience the space in which he created his designs.

However, the foundation is currently facing eviction. The building’s owners have now asked the foundation to vacate the property. In response, journalists Antonella Galli and Pierluigi Masini launched a petition drive during Milan Design Week in April 2023. Over 11,000 signatures had been collected, as of July 2024.

NAOTO FUKASAWA DESIGN thinks that Achille Castiglioni's studio is an important place to preserve.The studio is a precious legacy of Italy and design, and an important place to pass on to the next generation. We kindly ask for your signatures.

Petition to save Achille Castiglioni Foudation

Foundazione Achille Castiglioni